
Manmohinivan Complex is a residential accommodation built by Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya in Mount Abu (Rajasthan). It has a facility to accommodate around 2000 people and has a parking area, transport department, dining facility, a garden and a room for meditation. At a distance of approximately a kilometer and a half from Shantivan campus, it has round the clock bus facility to and from Shantivan. It houses the Godlywood Studio and Global Auditorium with a capacity of 500 with translation facility where seminars and Raja Yoga Camps are held.

Godlywood Studio

  • Godlywood Studios is a simple six-story structure with linear architectural lines and an impressive glass facade.
  • The studio is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities including hi-tech lighting systems, control rooms with audio-visual switchers and remotely operated cameras Are included.
  • The programs are shot with HD (High Definition) cameras and Dolby system.
  • A preview theater with 5.1 mixing facility for films, plays and episodes in the studio, an excellent sound system with a seating capacity of 25 people.
  • Audio recording studio 4th floor with top class facilities to enhance quality, clarity, perfection in sound effects Is located at.
  • The Animation Department, on the fourth floor, houses a network of stations and related systems for intricate details to be used effectively in the production.
  • Godlywood The studio is a busy hub for creating, producing and telecasting value based impactful programs targeting pan India and global audiences.

Global Auditorium

At a distance of approximately a kilometer and a half from Shantivan campus, it has round the clock bus facility to and from Shantivan. It houses the Godlywood Studio and Global Auditorium with a capacity of 500 with translation facility where seminars and Raja Yoga Camps are held.